
After completing my studies at the University of Hamburg and passing the First State Examination before the Higher Regional Court of Hamburg, I underwent the legal clerkship (Referendariat) in Lower Saxony. During this period, I spent several months on foreign assignments in Tel Aviv, Israel, and Montreal, Canada. Since that time, I have been accustomed to advising my clients in English and French. I passed the Second State Examination in Law in 1996 in Hannover.


Since 2008, I am a certified specialist lawyer in family law, and since 2015, I am also a certified legal representative for children and adolescents according to § 158 FamFG.

Born in Reinbek near Hamburg on 11.05.1966
Raised in Wohltorf near Hamburg
Abitur (high school diploma) in 1985 at Hansa-Gymnasium in Hamburg-Bergedorf
1985/1986 military service


1987 – 1992 University of Hamburg
1993 – 1995 Trainee in the service of the state of Lower Saxony


Professional Experience
Assessor’s examination with distinction
1996 – 1998 Lawyer in Hamburg
since 1998 Lawyer in Dresden
since 2008 Specialist lawyer for family law
since 2015 certified guardian ad litem


Stay Abroad
Israel and Canada


Foreign Languages
English, French


German Bar Association
German-Israeli Jurists Association
Dresden Bar Association
Family Law Working Group (in the German Bar Association)


Marital Status

married, two children



Legal Specialist

After obtaining a technical diploma and completing training as a legal assistant, Ms. Jarschel underwent professional training to become a ‘Rechtsfachwirtin’ (Legal Specialist) in the years 2004/2005. Ms. Jarschel manages my office and is responsible for the enforcement of claims, foreclosure and partition auctions, as well as debt collection.

Hendrik Hagen


Erich-Ponto-Straße 22

01097 Dresden